The 2019 Summer Tour is now underway! Over the course of 11 weeks, I will be presenting at 11 different events in 8 states plus Chile! I have been working on developing a lot of brand new material that I will be unveiling along the way. Keep reading to see some of the highlights.
The tour starts and ends with a trip to Washington state which is just about as far as you can get from North Carolina and still be in the "lower 48 states". In addition to the two trips to Washington, I will be making two trips to the Austin, Texas area.
The most exotic destination is definitely Antofagasta, Chile. This will be my first trip to South America, and I will be presenting for 2 days at DeLTA UCN on A Guide For Developing Talent: Utilizing the Schoolwide Enrichment Model. When I first attended the Three Summers Program and Confratute at the University of Connecticut back in 2003, I had no idea the places that it would take me and the amazing opportunities that would come my way. Speaking of Confratute, I will be back again this summer teaching Using The Schoolwide Enrichment Model with Technology along with Angela Housand and a 100% brand new strand called Utilizing Technology to Promote Creative Productive Giftedness. I am also honored to be the Thursday morning keynote. I am also excited to be keynoting at the Davidson Academy Young Scholar Summer Summit in Reno, Nevada. This is my first time presenting in Nevada which makes state number 39. Other stops include Edufest in Boise, Idaho and three days of professional learning for the Teaching Fellows Institute in Charlotte, NC. The whole summer tour ends with two back to school kick off events in Colorado Springs, Colorado with my good friend Ian Byrd and then two days in Auburn, Washington. It is going to be an eventful summer for sure. Be sure to follow along with the adventures and learning here on the blog, on the email newsletter Inside Brian's Brain, or on Twitter and Instagram. With all of this traveling, I hope that our paths cross. If they do, please come up and say hello. Travel can be a lonely experience. If you are interested in having me be a part of an upcoming education event or are interested me in conducting a professional learning experience for your school, district, or organization, please contact me.
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